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Local World announces fast-track centres

Local World, a media business dedicated to the optimisation of local content and commerce across all platforms, has selected the first three centres in its project to transform the former Northcliffe and Iliffe businesses.

This Transformation Project will focus on a major overhaul of content, in order to drive growth in audience and advertiser numbers, says Local World.

Cambridge, Derby, and Exeter will be the first centres to implement changes from April. The centres were chosen to reflect a mix of print frequency, geographic spread, type of market served and systems currently used. The rest of the business will follow over the next 18 months on the basis of work done at the first three centres.

The centres will be supported by a transformation team, led by Transformation Directors, Janet Smith and Alan Renwick; Lee Williams Executive Director, Digital and workgroups focused on content, commerce and technology.

Steve Auckland (pictured), Local World Group CEO said: “This is the first stage of reequipping our businesses to be really fit for the future. The three sites named today will help develop ideas and provide valuable insights before we roll this out to all our existing sites. It’s an exciting challenge to balance our well run sites with a more digitally focused future while maintaining our integrity and unbeatable local skills.”