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Trends in Newsrooms 2012: focusing on digital innovation

Just in time for this year's World Newspaper Congress and World Editors Forum conferences in Kiev, Ukraine, the World Editors Forum has published the eighth edition of Trends in Newsrooms, which offers a summary and analysis of the year in news industry transformation.

Trends in Newsrooms is the annual review from the World Editors Forum of best practices in major newsrooms, along with innovations in the field of journalism. The 120-page report is inspired by and based on the Editors Weblog, which tracks global developments in the news industry.

The new report shows how the roles of journalists, editors and the newsroom are changing as digital evolution continues. Editors are being asked to focus efforts towards digital delivery and social media while continuing to produce a high-quality print product. This means that editors must be highly focused on innovation, look towards some of their new digital competitors, to find ideas on services and features.

The 2012 report includes seven chapters dealing with the evolving newsroom, apps, digital business models, social media, boosting reader engagement, ethical challenges for newsrooms, learning from the competition and more.

Highlights include:

• Mario García on how people really use tablets;

• Practical advice and tips on using social media effectively;

• How to build a community around your publication;

• Lisa MacLeod on a decade of newsroom development at the Financial Times;

• In-depth interviews with David Boardman of The Seattle Times, Steve Buttry of Digital First Media, Michael Golden of The New York Times, Stephen Pritchard of The Observer and Mark Little of Storyful;

• A look at the latest developments in online video;

• An overview of who has put up pay walls, and alternative digital business models.

The report is available without charge for members of WEF and the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA) here.

Non-members can purchase the report by writing to Cherilyn Ireton, Executive Director of the World Editors Forum, at