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Joanne Butcher - interview

Joanne Butcher - interview

The deep recession and the Leveson Inquiry are resulting in major changes in journalistic training, including new courses in business and finance reporting and media ethics. Steve Dyson finds out more from Joanne Butcher, chief executive of the Natio

By Steve Dyson  |  18/09/2012

Leveson Modules 3 and 4

Leveson Modules 3 and 4

And then it was over! After many months of sometimes shocking testimony, Lord Justice Leveson brought proceedings in Court 73 to a close at the end of July and retired to the thankless task of drawing up his recommendations. Jon Slattery looks at wha

By Jon Slattery  |  18/09/2012

Power of the Still Picture

Power of the Still Picture

What’s your abiding image from this summer’s Royal Wedding and where did it come from? The chances are, says Peter Jackson, that it came not from the countless hours of TV, but from one of the still pictures in the following days’ souvenir issues.

By Peter Jackson  |  12/09/2011

A question of attitude

A question of attitude

Have the demands of multi-platform publishing spelt the end of the traditional door-stepping hack? Should journos now be desk-bound computer whizz kids? Or a mix of the two? Peter Sands tries to nail down a job description for the modern journalist.

By Peter Sands  |  16/09/2010

Watching paint dry

Watching paint dry

Your weekly entertainment guide should be FUN. More than that, it should be the cornerstone of your strategy to attract younger readers. Then, why is it that so many What’s On guides are dull, unfocussed and lack a voice?

By Peter Sands  |  01/09/2006

Spice of life

Spice of life

Does variety still exist on our newsstand? Is one women’s weekly much like the next and can the customer, or the retailer for that matter, tell the difference? … and does it matter? David Hepworth looks at the publishing industry’s drive to sameness.

By David Hepworth  |  01/07/2006

Selling covers

Selling covers

As a key driver of newsstand sales, the front cover will be subject to much scrutiny, both before and after on-sale date. Peter Genower looks at what makes for good – and bad – covers.

By Peter Genower  |  01/09/2005

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