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crowdfindervideo makes the video you need to drive digital success, at a cost that won’t break the bank.

Has your title made video before? Time and money invested in material with 250 views on YouTube and low retention, or 50 views on LinkedIn and no reposts?

Perhaps you feel, “We should DO video”, but don’t know where to start? Maybe the end of 3rd party cookies is making you think about how you will grow and reach your audience?

Why should you talk to us?

Click here to see part one of ‘Video for Magazines’. It’s all about the issues you face with video and how you can make it pay.

How do we work?

Working with you and your team, we’ll establish:

  • What you want video and audio to do for you.
  • The audience you want.
  • The audience you have.
  • The fit with your wider digital strategy and which platforms you want to prioritise.
  • The data you have on your audience.
  • Your previous experience with video.

We’ll do a deep dive on your competitors. The ones you worry about and maybe the ones you don’t.

Then it’s the fun bit. Creative shaped with you and for you. Ideas for content we can make at volume, for a reasonable cost.

Once you’ve signed that off, we’ll deliver multiple audience grabbing videos, thumbnails, titles, metadata, and everything you need.

You might need: a tips and tricks series on LinkedIn’s native video platform; explainers on Facebook; entertaining vodcasts / podcasts on YouTube and Spotify with shorts on TikTok. We can do all of that.

Why us?

We’ve grown niche media brands to over half a million subscribers on YouTube, consulted for brand agencies and most of all, we’ve made thousands of hours of high-quality video before.