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Pixometry. Automated image correction for publishers.

Pixometry makes images clearer, brighter and more visually appealing. An intelligent, automated image enhancement tool utilised across all image publishing environments; editorial & advertising, print & digital.

Pixometry’s core functions

  • Improve image quality
  • Highly accurate cut-out creation
  • Auto keywording & image SEO improvement

Why automate?

For both print and digital channels, automated image enhancement is crucial for publishers, improving the overall look and feel of the products, increasing reader engagement all while reducing operating costs.


  • Streamlined Workflow. Automating image enhancement streamlines the publishing process, making it easier and faster to produce high-quality content.
  • Improved print quality. Making the image look better on the printed page.
  • Attracting readers. Attract and retain reader attention through more visually appealing images.
  • Improved User Experience. Sharper and more vibrant images keeps visitors engaged.
  • Seamless integration. Pixometry works with all editorial and production systems.

Image correction

Based on individual analysis, Pixometry enhances images for the specific purpose they are needed for. Along with contrast, colour balance, sharpness and noise reduction, more specific and localised improvements include skin tones, highlight and shadow detail, natural greens and blue skies.

Applied AI

In addition to the powerful image correction engine, Pixometry leverages the latest AI technology to extend image enhancement possibilities:

Image background removal: Traditionally, a time-consuming task, cut-outs are completed in seconds with astonishingly accurate results. People, products, animals, cars and much more are quickly and precisely masked without the need for human interaction and for a fraction of the cost.

Image Understanding: Generating a detailed analysis of image content, provides a wealth of data for use across the wider publishing environment as well as refining the image correction process. Image understanding enables:

  • Auto-keywording for increased visibility in search engine results and use in content management systems to improve accessibility
  • Identification and tagging of key features, people, locations and more

About Pixometry

Pixometry streamlines image correction workflows at publishers in 59 countries. From the largest publishing groups in the UK, producing thousands of images a day to smaller, regional titles, Pixometry optimises the image workflow while maintaining high standards for image quality. All while editorial and advertising teams continue doing what they do best – creating great content.

Pixometry has been focused on developing image enhancement software for publishers since 1997. Formerly known as Elpical Claro, Pixometry has offices in Europe and works with over 20 partners around the globe.