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Kevin Costello appointed as PPA Deputy Chairman

The PPA (Professional Publishers Association) has welcomed Kevin Costello, Chief Executive of Haymarket Media Group, to the role of Deputy Chairman.

Costello (pictured), a PPA board member for four years, officially took up his position on February 4, 2013, and will thus succeed Kevin Hand as PPA Chairman in February 2014.

Kevin Costello joined Haymarket in 1994, eventually becoming Managing Director and Chairman of Haymarket Consumer Media before being made Chief Executive of the entire Haymarket Media Group in January 2010, with responsibility for the UK as well the Australian, German, Indian, Hong Kong and US divisions.

PPA Chairman Kevin Hand said: “I am delighted that Kevin has taken on the role of Deputy Chairman. As someone who represents an international multi-platform company in both consumer and business publishing, Kevin truly reflects the breadth of modern PPA membership. I am confident that he will be a great asset to the association over the next few years.”

Kevin Costello said: “I am very honoured to be taking on the role of PPA Deputy Chairman. I am greatly looking forward to helping lead the association through such an exciting team in consumer magazines and business media, and to working closely with the Chairman and the CEO to make sure that the PPA continues to thrive.”

Haymarket's Costello replaces outgoing PPA Deputy Chairman Charles Reed, Group Managing Director of William Reed Business Media.

Barry McIlheney, CEO of the PPA, said: “Kevin Costello has been a great supporter of the PPA in recent years, and I am thrilled that he is to become our Deputy Chairman, I would also like to thank Charles Reed for all the support he has given me in his capacity as Chairman and Deputy Chairman over the past three years.”