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Raconteur Media announces new custom publishing arm

A new custom publishing division is being launched by special interest publisher Raconteur Media that will offer businesses the opportunity to build their own publications and specialist content.

The new offering sees Raconteur increase its presence in the UK publishing market, furthering its existing special reports business with The Times, The Sunday Times, and The Week covering a variety of topics from Managing Big Data to Funding Britain’s Growth.

The custom publishing division will collaborate with businesses to create engaging and relevant content for a range of stakeholders. The division will assist organisations to develop effective content strategies for print, online and other digital platforms.

Raconteur has developed a reputation for producing informative content, well-packaged by maintaining high production values and design standards, says the company. The new custom publishing team will bring this expertise to the table, with a host of leading journalists, academics, politicians and industry experts on call to contribute. The core offering will be working with partners to bring their stories to life through data illustration, dashboards, high standards of design, and the best and most relevant opinion forming voices.

The new publishing division will be headed up by head of customer publishing and strategic sales, Tobias Kelly and Nadine Amer who is head of sponsorship.

Freddie Ossberg, founder and managing director, Raconteur Media said: “From close interaction with the 500 or so brands we work with annually, we have noticed companies seeking advice on their content strategies. Raconteur’s new custom publishing arm will focus on specialist content designed for our trusted partners, therefore enhancing our offering to our current advertising clients.”

Tobias Kelly, head of custom publishing and strategic sales, said: “Bottom line, good content isn’t good enough anymore. We’ve launched because we know that organisations need insanely great content that’s on strategy and incites action, and we can help them become raconteurs.”

Nadine Amer, head of sponsorship, said: “Design and innovation should not be limited to B2C brands. Smart businesses should be using customised content to gain a competitive edge in how they interact with their wide range of stakeholders.”