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Markus Karlsson

Markus Karlsson

Markus Karlsson is CEO and founder of Affino.

With a background in business management and industrial systems, Markus has been involved in the business of the internet since his very first ISP business, one of the earliest registered UK internet businesses, founded back in 1995.

Over the years Markus has been a board member and executive team advisor for numerous companies; an international government advisor to SME digital businesses; and has been involved in the development and transformation of businesses, both large and small.

Markus has worked with leading brands and organisations - including Audi, BBC, Casio, Diesel, EMI, MasterCard, Royal Opera House, Rovio, TTG Media, The Stage, UBM, UMG, Gill, Procurement Leaders, Briefing Media, Ocean Media Group, and IDG.

Contact Markus Karlsson

Twitter @MarkusKarlsson