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Observer's Carole Cadwalladr wins Orwell journalism prize

Observer's Carole Cadwalladr wins Orwell journalism prize

The Observer and Guardian reporter Carole Cadwalladr has won the Orwell journalism prize for her investigation into the collapsed political consultancy Cambridge Analytica.


Guardian’s Amelia Gentleman wins Paul Foot award

Guardian’s Amelia Gentleman wins Paul Foot award

Guardian journalist Amelia Gentleman has won the Paul Foot award for investigative and campaigning for her reporting on the Windrush scandal.


Helping the helpless

Helping the helpless

James Evelegh's editorial from this week's edition of InPubWeekly.

By James Evelegh  |  21/06/2018

The Guardian publishes “The List of Deaths”

The Guardian publishes “The List of Deaths”

Today, in recognition of World Refugee day and 25 years of the refugee crisis, The Guardian in collaboration with artist Banu Cennetoglu, Chisenhale Gallery and Liverpool Biennial is distributing The List from UNITED for Intercultural Action in its p


NUJ: Journalists must not get 2nd class treatment on FOI requests

NUJ: Journalists must not get 2nd class treatment on FOI requests

The NUJ has responded to the Scottish Information Commissioner's report which found that the Scottish government takes longer to respond to journalists' FOI requests than other requests.


Camilla Tominey to join The Telegraph

Camilla Tominey to join The Telegraph

The Telegraph yesterday announced that Sunday Express political editor Camilla Tominey is to become Associate Editor, Politics and Royals.


True grit

True grit

James Evelegh's editorial from this week's edition of InPubWeekly.

By James Evelegh  |  14/06/2018

Guardian launches World Cup season with host of new features

Guardian launches World Cup season with host of new features

For this year’s World Cup season, The Guardian and The Observer will be offering football fans a number of interactive ways to engage with the tournament.


Telegraph unveils its World Cup coverage

Telegraph unveils its World Cup coverage

The Telegraph on Friday announced its editorial line-up, initiatives and plans for the World Cup, which begins this week in Russia.


New Editor-in-Chief for Frontline Gastroenterology journal

New Editor-in-Chief for Frontline Gastroenterology journal

Professor Mark Beattie has been appointed the new Editor-in-Chief of Frontline Gastroenterology.


Geordie Greig to be new Daily Mail editor

Geordie Greig to be new Daily Mail editor

Lord Rothermere, Chairman of DMGT, yesterday announced that Geordie Greig will be the new Editor of the Daily Mail.


Oliver Shah appointed Business Editor of The Sunday Times

Oliver Shah appointed Business Editor of The Sunday Times

Oliver Shah, the City Editor of The Sunday Times, has been promoted to Business Editor.


Paul Dacre to stand down as editor

Paul Dacre to stand down as editor

DMGT yesterday announced that Paul Dacre has been appointed Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Associated Newspapers with effect from 1 October 2018. After 28 years as an editor, Paul has decided to step back from day to day editorial responsibilities i


Golden Pen of Freedom Awarded to Maria Ressa

Golden Pen of Freedom Awarded to Maria Ressa

The Golden Pen of Freedom, the annual press freedom award of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers (WAN-IFRA), has been awarded to Maria Ressa, Co-founder, CEO and Executive Editor of the online news site, Rappler.


World’s Press Calls on Philippines to cease pursuit of Rappler

World’s Press Calls on Philippines to cease pursuit of Rappler

The Board of the WAN-IFRA, meeting in Portugal, has called on the government of President Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines to cease its attacks on online news site, Rappler, and to do more to discourage supporters from threatening the safety and se


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