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talkRadio channel reinstated to YouTube following censorship concerns

talkRadio channel reinstated to YouTube following censorship concerns

The Society of Editors has welcomed the fact digital video provider YouTube has reinstated programming by the UK’s talkRadio station after removing it from the platform.


Censorship concerns as talkRadio removed from YouTube

Censorship concerns as talkRadio removed from YouTube

The Society of Editors has expressed its concern after digital video platform YouTube removed talkRadio’s channel from its programming on Tuesday.


SoE broadly welcomes Online Harms proposals

SoE broadly welcomes Online Harms proposals

The Society of Editors has broadly welcomed the government’s proposals for new Online Harms regulations which aim to protect the public and also free speech in the UK.


New WAN-IFRA research on sexual harassment in the media workplace in Southeast Asia

New WAN-IFRA research on sexual harassment in the media workplace in Southeast Asia

WAN-IFRA Women in News (WIN) and City, University of London, are now entering the second phase of a major research study into sexual harassment in the media workplace.


Editors’ Code of Practice to be revised

Editors’ Code of Practice to be revised

The Editors’ Code of Practice is to be revised to underline the protection it offers to people with mental health issues.


European Parliament Warns Of Dangers To Media Freedom

European Parliament Warns Of Dangers To Media Freedom

The European Parliament has warned of attempts to silence critics and undermine pluralism, stating that media freedom, pluralism and the safety of journalists are crucial to the freedom of expression and information.


MPs form group to safeguard children from fake news

MPs form group to safeguard children from fake news

A group of politicians have assembled to reform online safety teaching in schools and teach children how to spot misinformation online.


NMA Welcomes Government Response to CMA Market Study

NMA Welcomes Government Response to CMA Market Study

The News Media Association has welcomed the Government’s response to the CMA’s market study into online platforms and digital advertising.


WAN-IFRA and UNESCO join forces to support journalism in face of existential threat

WAN-IFRA and UNESCO join forces to support journalism in face of existential threat

UNESCO and the World Association of News Publishers are joining forces to address the impending global emergency facing independent journalism.


‘Secretive Govt FoI clearing house is alarming’, says SoE

‘Secretive Govt FoI clearing house is alarming’, says SoE

The Society of Editors has acted with alarm at reports that the Government is operating a secretive ‘Clearing House’ to vet Freedom of Information requests and share personal information about journalists.


Press regulator publishes guidance on reporting of Muslims and Islam

Press regulator publishes guidance on reporting of Muslims and Islam

IPSO has published guidance on how the Editors’ Code of Practice applies to the reporting of Muslims and Islam.


Tech giants agree measures to tackle vaccine fake news with UK government

Tech giants agree measures to tackle vaccine fake news with UK government

Social media platforms and the UK government announce they have agreed a package of measures designed to limit the spread of vaccine disinformation.


Transparency laws must be extended to non-campaign material, urges SoE

Transparency laws must be extended to non-campaign material, urges SoE

Laws governing transparency in printed election material must be extended to non-campaign material, the Society of Editors has urged.


Italian watchdog opens investigation into Google's online advertising

Italian watchdog opens investigation into Google's online advertising

The Italian Competition Authority has opened an investigation against Google for alleged abuse of its dominant position in the Italian online display advertising market.


Enhanced press access urgently needed to ensure open justice, urges SoE

Enhanced press access urgently needed to ensure open justice, urges SoE

Enhanced press access to court hearings – whether in person or remotely – is urgently needed to ensure open justice can be maintained throughout the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, says SoE.


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