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isubscribe can help you sell more print subscriptions. As the UK’s leading and most comprehensive subscription superstore, we have been generating sales for publishers since 2000. Based in London, isubscribe also has market leading operations in Australia and New Zealand.

With over 3,000 consumer and specialist magazine titles across all genres, as well as subscription boxes and newspapers, provides new subscriptions for publishers in all B2C and B2B markets.

By listing your brand(s) on aggregator site isubscribe, you are increasing online presence within your sector and tapping into a broader market – especially the lucrative gifting market.

Listing with isubscribe is entirely risk-free – we work solely on a cost per acquisition basis to help you get new customers and generate incremental revenue growth. It’s free to list!

We promote your subscription brands through SEM, our own brand PPC campaigns, affiliate networks, website promotions, database marketing, direct mail, print advertising, and a major Christmas gifting promotion.

Our annual marketing schedule will be shared with clients who can get involved with our campaigns throughout the year, whether this is for Father’s Day, specific category promotions such as sports subscriptions, or back to school and spring sale. Extra promotion outside of Christmas is at no cost – it’s in our own interest to promote your brand!

Additional markets

As well as running isubscribe, we also operate product feeds into, Eason in Ireland, and for Meredith Publishing in USA.

In addition, our library supply service provides magazines to over 750 UK libraries, and we manage the subscription needs of major corporate accounts.

If you sell digital subscriptions via Zinio, we also have a feed from Zinio to enable digital presence of these brands on isubscribe too.

All this at no extra cost.

Why isubscribe?

isubscribe works with you to show your subscription brand to its best advantage so that you acquire new customers, generate incremental revenue and increase brand awareness. This includes:

  • A dedicated page per product with full details of your subscription options, cover image, pricing, digital samples, special gifts and promotions.
  • Homepage promotions.
  • Features on selected category pages.
  • Hot offers included in our social media marketing.
  • The opportunity for inclusion in e-newsletter promotions.
  • Producing a digital sample of your magazine title free of charge.
  • The opportunity to be involved in our annual Christmas Gifting brochure.
  • Your own dedicated isubscribe account manager on hand to change pricing, gift options or copy as required.