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Canvasflow Update: Improved Content Management and Workflows

Canvasflow’s latest platform release sees a range of new features and updates designed to help further streamline the digital workflow and provide more control over how publishers manage their content.

Key features of this update to Canvasflow's HTML5 authoring system include:

Enhanced Article Management: The introduction of a new article management menu which allows instant download of articles in HTML5 (without switching channels), duplication of content, movement of articles seamlessly between collections and un-publishing of live content with a single click.

Uninterrupted Workflow: The new article queuing system removes the need to wait for content to complete publishing, enabling users to continue to work while Canvasflow processes in the background. In addition, the platform now provides real-time status updates, which is particularly useful when working with large articles.

Deeper Platform Integrations: Canvasflow’s integration with Twixl Publisher now supports thumbnail and cell-style controls across all content items. It’s also now possible to un-publish Twixl articles while under the hood improvements makes switching from a development to production app a completely seamless experience.

For Pugpig Publish, Canvasflow now provides a ‘Full-Sync’ option, ensuring content is synchronised between platforms at all times, as well a ‘hide from app’ function and improved metadata support.

Canvasflow COO/Product Manager and Co-Founder Gareth Jones said: “With this release, not only have we refined the content authoring experience, we have continued to deepen the integration with leading publishing platforms to deliver even more control to our clients. The feedback we've been receiving has shown a desire for an even more seamless experience when making content ready for production, and believe this to be a big step towards creating the ideal workflow.”

Other notable new features;

• Right to Left (RTL) text support

• Inline custom code support

• ‘Mailto’ support added for image component

• Media captions now support HTML5 phrase tags

• Optimised meta-data management

• Improved system notifications

This latest update is now live, says Canvasflow.