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Conde Nast to offer advertisers Adobe tablet metrics

Condé Nast Digital Britain claims to be the first UK magazine publisher to provide advertisers with ad-specific metrics for tablet editions from the June 2012 issues onwards, it was announced last week.

Condé Nast says: Condé Nast, in collaboration with Adobe will offer issue specific data (the data will cover Adobe circulation only, and will not include Zinio sales, which can be provided separately) eight weeks after the on sale date. This distribution and exposure data will cover circulation (paid digital subscriptions and digital single copy sales); engagement (total content views and average views per page); and ad performance. The data will be available to all advertisers who have placed ads incorporating a weblink or who have taken a premium ad opportunity.

Nicholas Coleridge (pictured), Managing Director of Condé Nast, comments “This is an important step, and one which will become increasingly significant as consumer scale from more brands on more devices continues to increase.”

In addition, Condé Nast has just completed an in-app survey of the May issues of GQ and Wired. Top line findings reveal that 84% of GQ readers and 82% of Wired readers say they are more likely to pay attention to ads that are interactive/moving; 91% of GQ readers and 89% of Wired readers strongly agree/agree they spend more time with an ad if they can engage with it in some way; ad recall for this digital issue was high with 80% of GQ readers remembering the Burberry ad and 76% of Wired readers recalling the Audi ad in the May app; and GQ app users spent on average 2 hours 45 minutes and Wired app users an average of 2 hours 52 minutes with the issue.

GQ, Wired and Vanity Fair are all available monthly as iPad apps with Vogue monthly from the September 2012 issue. All 13 magazines published by the British company are now available digitally, and over 255,000 digital editions of our magazines have been sold in the past year. Condé Nast replica editions are also award-winning. GQ and Wired have both been internationally acclaimed by iMonitor, recognised as the world’s leading app review ranking body. And in December last year Condé Nast won three prizes at the Digital Magazine of the Year Awards - Editor of the Year for David Rowan, Best Technology and Gadget Magazine for Wired, and Vogue won Digital Fashion Magazine of the Year.

Condé Nast is working towards the release of more detailed tablet metrics for premium advertisers later in the year. In addition, Condé Nast is investing further in brand understanding with ambition to survey ‘print power’, to gain a 360° insight into audience engagement with our magazines in print and online, to complement digital analytics. The results of a Glamour survey in association with YouGov will be made public in September 2012, including a significant examination of the digital and social media behaviour of the younger female Glamour audience.