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Future’s cycling and triathlon sites introduce free training tools threw down the gauntlet, and their readers have snatched it up, after the cycling and triathlon titles challenged cyclists to clock up 1,000 miles in the month of May, one reader has hit that figure in barely two weeks.

Covering more than 50 miles a day and almost 200 at weekends, hardened commuter Alastair Reynolds surged to the top of the 1000 Mile Challenge leaderboard and past the post in a remarkable 16 days.

Six more have since completed the challenge as the 1,709 users of the tool approach a cumulative 300,000 miles - the equivalent of 12 trips around the Earth. teamed up with to offer users a range of free training tools and services. A new addition to the fold is the TriRadar Training Zone which launched a few weeks later and is already gaining a lot of traction with the site’s users, say the publishers. Again is a free and comprehensive Triathlon training tool and cbenefits from the wealth of training knowledge from the Triathlon Plus team.

The programmes have been designed to help new and enthusiastic cyclists and triathletes get more from their every day training. Visitors to the sites can log all their activities and set their own goals, without having to pay for an account or buy expensive training computers. However, if they are more fanatical cyclists the tools can be very deep indeed and provide lots of feedback.

Mark Cantwell, Product Development Manager, for the Future Sports portfolio says: “We decided that we needed to focus on creating products that encourage more of our audience to get on their bikes and ride more. We believe that finding more ways to encourage our users to participate in various sports and activities is the future, and helps us to form a better relationship with our consumers and grow the market at the same time.  We take a very interactive approach to development here at Future, and prefer to use community feedback and user data to shape our products going forward. We wanted to build a training community that is fuelled by the users needs and goals. It was important to us that we worked with as a partnership, and that they were not just software providers. It has worked fantastically and we are delighted with the results.”

Dave Clutterbuck, Publisher of Triathlon Plus and, says: “Whether it is about new techniques, professional advice or quite simply trying to draw motivation for themselves, training is a primary interest to our readers. In a modern age that has seen expensive (and sometimes complicated) computers become more prominent in everyday training, we wanted to offer our readers a service that will help them motivate themselves and reach their ultimate goals, no matter how large or small.”

Julian Downing, Co-Founder of TRAININGDIARIES.COM says: “We are delighted to have launched with these leading edge brands, and look forward to working with the Future Sports team to significantly build audience and user engagement.”