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MailOnline continues to set the pace

MailOnline is the number one newspaper website in the world, and it retains its position as the biggest UK newspaper website for the twenty-seventh month running.

According to MailOnline: Comscore, the leading global internet metrics company, said that in April 2012, MailOnline recorded an average of 5.890 million daily unique visitors against 5.731 million for the, and 43.201 million monthly visitors against 41.741 million for the

MailOnline also received 31.46% more Monthly Visitors and 41.58% more Average Daily Visitors than BBC News globally.

In April 2012 the site recorded 90,309,252 global unique browsers, according to new figures released this week by ABC.

This is an increase of an incredible 26,556,015 additional browsers on April 2011 which represents a 41.65% increase. And in a month they read an amazing 1.472 billion pages, an increase of 169.7% on last April.


This month’s ABC certificate for worldwide traffic also confirms that in April 2012, MailOnline recorded an average of 5,653,576 visitors every day: 57.2% higher than in April 2011.

That’s 46 per cent more visitors a day than its nearest rival, The Guardian which recorded 3,876,213 visitors a day, while The Telegraph was on 2,343,120.

In the UK, MailOnline was visited by an average of 2,430,451 UK residents every day, 72% more than in April 2011.

Mail Online had 31.4 million unique browsers in the UK, an increase of 50.3% year on year.

And 494,665 users accessed the MailOnline iPhone app globally in April 2012 and had astonishing levels of engagement.

213,959 users accessed the app each day, that’s 6.89% higher than the previous month.

Globally, there were 199,906 visitors for April on the Android App, with an average of 53,050 each day.


Hitwise also records Mail Online as the top UK newspaper site among British internet users. According to Hitwise, Mail Online has a 42.47% share of visits to national UK newspapers.