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MNA goes live with Knowledge Prospect from PCS

PCS, a leading publishing software developer, this week announced that Midlands News Association (MNA) is the first customer to go live with Knowledge Prospect.

MNA goes live with Knowledge Prospect from PCS

A successor to the advertising system ABS, Knowledge Prospect is a brand new advertising sales and customer management platform developed entirely in-house by the PCS team.

Knowledge Prospect went live at MNA on Monday, delivering a customer first approach by streamlining workflows that will benefit management teams, finance, classified and field sales staff, says PCS. Knowledge Assist has also gone live to support the self-service generation and management of classified and template display ads.

MNA, one of the largest independent regional news companies in the UK, are the first of many existing ABS users to go live with Knowledge Prospect and PCS says it has already secured two new customers, the first will be up and running later this summer and the second early 2019. The platform, which was developed from the ground up, has an intuitive customisable interface and is browser based to allow real time remote working. According to PCS, it removes manual tasks and processes, leaving users free to maximise revenue opportunities and improve customer relationships.

Phil Walker, Managing Director at PCS comments: “We have spent a lot of time making sure that Knowledge Prospect does what our existing and potential customers want it to do, so it is very exciting to have our first customer up and running. Prospect sits at the centre of our Knowledge portfolio and interoperates with all our other solutions for editorial, advertising and circulation management.”

Graeme Clifford Print MD at MNA comments: “After researching an alternative to ABS, we found there was nothing suitable on the market to handle our business needs. After speaking to sister company PCS, we decided to take a partnership approach in developing Knowledge Prospect so it not only meets our requirements now and in the future, but also those of other publishers large and small, in an ever evolving market.”

Links / further reading: Knowledge Prospect