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PCC publishes 2012 satisfaction survey

The Press Complaints Commission has released the results of its complainant satisfaction surveys from 2012.

In brief, says the PCC, the results show that:  

• 86% of those respondents who gave an opinion said that PCC staff were either very helpful, helpful or satisfactory;

• 79% of those who provided an opinion thought that there complaint had been handled (in terms of thoroughness) either very well, well or satisfactorily;

• 68% of people thought that time taken by the PCC to deal with their complaint was about right;

• 65% of people rated information on the PCC website 4 or 5 out of 5 for helpfulness.

For the full results, please click here.

The PCC has surveyed those who use its services since 2002. The publication of these results is a performance objective of the PCC to which it has publicly committed.