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Telegraph introduces broadcast element to campaign

Telegraph Media Group (TMG) has announced a partnership with Information TV, in collaboration with Aurasma, which will see the delivery of its first commercial augmented reality campaign for St. Kitts Tourism Authority.

TMG has previously featured augmented reality editorially in its print publications but this is the first time that it has produced a commercial campaign, which also incorporates broadcast. The 30 minute programme, entitled “St. Kitts Experience”, was produced by The Telegraph’s video production department and will explore the island of St. Kitts. Broadcast for the first time on Saturday 12th May at 6.30pm on Sky 231 and freesat 402 the programme will be repeated over an eight week period and will contain ad breaks featuring British Airways.

Viewers who download the ‘St Kitts experience’ app from the Apple app store will be able to access additional content delivered directly to their iPhone or iPad, relevant to the part of the programme they are watching. The campaign will be using Aurasma’s audio recognition technology, which enables the iPhone and iPad apps to identify key sound triggers in the programme that will drive enhanced content to the user’s device.

Viewers can then respond to the content by linking it to social media (Twitter, Facebook, Google+ 1), request more information, visit for special travel offers or request information from the St. Kitts Tourism Authority.

In-paper activity to complement the TV broadcast will include use of augmented reality that will allow readers to hold their phone (iPhone and android) over advertisements and advertorials appearing in Saturday’s The Daily Telegraph Review and Travel supplements and The Sunday Telegraph’s Discover supplement, in order to watch a preview of the TV programme or access further content. Readers who have downloaded the app and are Sky customers will also be able to schedule the programme to record via Sky+ at the click of a button and use the other interactive functions.

James Lancaster, Director, Specialist Sales, TMG said: “We are delighted to be pushing the boundaries and incorporating augmented reality into an extensive client campaign. Working with St. Kitts Tourism Authority, British Airways, Aurasma and Information TV has been a truly collaborative partnership and we look forward to seeing how this resonates with our multi-platform audiences.”

Rosecita Jeffers, CEO, St. Kitts Tourism Authority said: “Following on from the success of last year's partnership with British Airways and Telegraph Media Group, the St. Kitts Tourism Authority is delighted to announce this innovative new campaign. The combination of TV and mobile is very exciting and will bring the destination to life as never before. We hope it will inspire viewers to find out more about St. Kitts.”

Fred Perkins, CEO, Information TV said: “We are delighted to be broadcasting this groundbreaking programming which so effectively brings together all of the complementary aspects of broadcast television, online, mobile and in-paper.”

Martina King, Managing Director, Aurasma said; “We’re delighted to be part of this exciting partnership with British Airways, St. Kitts Tourism Authority, Information TV and Telegraph Media Group. Aurasma is being used to seamlessly bring together various strands of this campaign’s marketing mix – print, mobile, TV and web – into a memorable audience experience.”