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Quentin Letts joins News UK titles

Quentin Letts joins News UK titles

News UK yesterday announced that Quentin Letts will be joining The Times, The Sunday Times and The Sun.


The Power of Shorthand

The Power of Shorthand

Sue Green won an NCTJ chairman's award for the quality of journalism training she delivers at the City of Wolverhampton College – and leads the BBC's national academy for apprentices at the same institution. Ian Halstead finds out more.

By Ian Halstead  |  27/11/2018

What should we do about Boris?

What should we do about Boris?

The question that has been exercising Theresa May for the past two years is also exercising sub-editors across the country, writes Liz Gerard. And, while the root of the question may be different, the conclusion is probably much the same: a resigned,

By Liz Gerard  |  27/11/2018

Big Publisher Functionality for Small Publisher Budgets

Big Publisher Functionality for Small Publisher Budgets

The challenge for many independent publishers, Perception SaS’s Andy Kirk tells James Evelegh, is that they are trapped in inadequate publishing systems – be it circulation, sales or content management – that limit their ability to compete effectivel

By James Evelegh  |  27/11/2018

Annual Review: Local News Partnership

Annual Review: Local News Partnership

The Local News Partnership between the News Media Association (NMA) and the BBC is generating significant levels of local public interest journalism which is influencing public policy and holding authority to account, the scheme’s first annual review


Telegraph announces Richard Madeley as new Agony Uncle

Telegraph announces Richard Madeley as new Agony Uncle

The Telegraph has appointed broadcaster Richard Madeley as its new Agony Uncle. Richard takes over from Graham Norton, who wrote the newspaper's Agony Uncle for 12 years, before stepping down in October.


BSME Awards – winners announced

BSME Awards – winners announced

The 2018 British Society of Magazine Editors Awards were held last night at The Sheraton Grand London Park Lane Hotel.


MNA appoints Editor-in-Chief

MNA appoints Editor-in-Chief

Martin Wright has been appointed Editor-in-Chief for the Midland News Association.


Telegraph launches Markets Hub

Telegraph launches Markets Hub

The Telegraph yesterday announced the launch of what it describes as a comprehensive, market-leading financial data platform, Markets Hub.


Carole Cadwalladr wins L’Esprit de RSF prize

Carole Cadwalladr wins L’Esprit de RSF prize

Carole Cadwalladr has been named winner of the L’Esprit de RSF prize for her reporting on the role of data analytics in recent electoral campaigns, which was published in the Observer and followed up by media around the world.


Two new recruits for The Times Scotland

Two new recruits for The Times Scotland

Magnus Llewellin, Editor of The Times Scotland, has announced two new recruits for The Times Scotland.


WAN-IFRA joins call for UN Convention to protect journalists

WAN-IFRA joins call for UN Convention to protect journalists

WAN-IFRA joins forces with a coalition of international organisations to campaign for the adoption of a new UN Convention dedicated to the protection of media professionals.


7 Top Tips for Saving Time & Money on Editorial Contributions – Q&A

7 Top Tips for Saving Time & Money on Editorial Contributions – Q&A

A couple of weeks back, Media Systems’ Clair Lawson presented one of our Top Tips Webinars, entitled ‘7 Top Tips for Saving Time & Money on Editorial Contributions’. In this article, Clair revisits some of the questions posed in the Q&A that followed

By Clair Lawson  |  01/11/2018

SoE: gagging judgement is ‘serious blow to press freedom’

SoE: gagging judgement is ‘serious blow to press freedom’

The Society of Editors has expressed its concern over the "chilling effect on press freedom" following news that a businessman has been granted a court injunction to prevent his identity being revealed amid allegations of sexual harassment and racial


Email (still) rules

Email (still) rules

James Evelegh's editorial from today’s edition of InPubWeekly.

By James Evelegh  |  25/10/2018

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