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Gordon & Gotch Publishing

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Gordon & Gotch Publishing

For over thirty years, we’ve been developing and designing innovative software solutions for the publishing and events industries. Our Myriad software solution releases the full potential of your business. It brings together all the information in your organisation. So it’s more efficient, achieves higher levels of performance producing a better bottom line.

Myriad is remarkably flexible. It’s designed to expand as a business grows, and helps you stay compliant with the latest requirements. You start with the powerful CRM module and add according to your needs; advertising, books / products, events, subscriptions, distribution, dashboards and web integration.

  • Support. Have peace of mind with our software support. We’ll keep you up to date with any legislation changes, security improvements, plus enhancements in routines, modules or performance.
  • Services. We’re not just experts in what makes Myriad tick. We’re in the best place to help you with data, third party interactions and industry specifications and practices.
  • Integration. Myriad includes many existing third-party interfaces. But if you’d rather carry on with your existing approach for solutions such as accounting software, payment gateways or other external business processes, no problem. Our skilled development team can work with you and your suppliers to make sure that happens.
  • Partnership. We work in partnership with our clients from day one. It’s the most effective way to steer the project to success. It also provides a solid platform for any future projects. Training, data transfers and bespoke programming are standard services. We can work with you on third party software integrations and liaise with external suppliers. We also offer consultancy and project management. You can be fully confident that your project will be within scope, in time and in budget. Using our built-in spreadsheet and word-processing functions open up office tools to all your users.
  • User Group. The Myriad User Group is an independent collective of bureaux and publishers, all of whom use Myriad. It meets regularly to exchange information and ideas that can help users optimise the return on their investment.

As part of the group, you can have your say, hear what other clients have done, and listen to external industry speakers on a wide range of relevant topics.

We work closely with the group so that feedback can directly influence what we’re doing with product innovation and development. Workshops attended by interested clients help design and test new developments before they’re rolled out to all users.