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Archant introduces electric bikes

A new greener way of travelling is available to staff at community media publisher Archant, in the form of electric bicycles.

The trial scheme at head office in Norwich involves two Smarta electric bikes which are available for staff to use for city journeys instead of a car – helping to bring down the company’s carbon footprint from travel.

(Pictured: Adrian Jeakings, Archant chief executive, takes part in a taster session on the Smarta electric bikes with staff.)

If the scheme, which was launched as part of national Bike to Work Week events, is successful it will be rolled out to other Archant offices around the country.

Nick Schiller, Archant operations director, who pioneered the initiative, said: “I enjoyed testing the electric bikes so much that I bought one for myself which I now use to get to work whenever possible.

“Staff who have either taken part in a taster session or who have completed a fuller familiarisation course have all said how much they enjoy riding the bikes. We have already had staff from other offices making a pitch to have one so I think electric bikes will be a key part of our longer term transport plans to help lower our carbon footprint and eliminate local pollution.”

The electric bike scheme is part of Archant’s 20 4 12 sustainability campaign, which was launched on April 20 this year and sees 20 actions in four key areas of energy, water, office paper and making every business mile count to be completed by the end of this year to help meet tough sustainability targets.

As part of each section, staff have to complete online training which gives hints and tips for cutting waste and can also save money.

The transport training includes tips on eco-driving together with making use of non-travel options such as online meeting tools.

Archant, which has won two top awards for its sustainability policies, has also made changes to its fleet cars and rewards drivers financially, equivalent to the tax penalty of having their company car, if they choose a smaller greener vehicle.