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August relaunches Milkround recruitment website

August has rebuilt the graduate recruitment site,, designed to act as a career resource for students and graduates, while driving the best applications for clients.

August was tasked with developing the online strategy, interface design and technical implementation for the new iteration of The site was developed using EPiServer and provides a wealth of innovative tools for candidates and recruiters alike, says August.

This rebuild allows Milkround to continue to lead the way in graduate recruitment with their new site offering an intuitive, site-wide search, providing simple information presented in an easy-to-digest format, ensuring candidates have access to relevant information to shape their careers and make informed decisions about their futures. Features including profile management, advanced search capabilities and community tools are delivered across all devices.

Mark Lonergan, Managing Director, August said: “This is a fantastic resource for students and businesses alike – a rich, dynamic platform linking up prospects and talent across the UK.”

Jenni Joplin, General Manager, Milkround commented: “Our new site is the accumulation of two years of hard work and investment, cementing our vision of creating career confidence for students and graduates. With a focus firmly on the candidate experience we can now offer a multi-platform and personalised career resource for our members, which in turn provides our clients with better informed and engaged candidates.”