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Blippar claims record interactions for ShortList

Blippar technology turned Britain’s largest men’s lifestyle magazine, ShortList into the world’s first fully interactive and ‘playable’ edition, resulting in record-breaking levels of reader interactions, says Blippar.

According to Blippar: On 8th November, UK commuters were treated to 34 pages of fully 'blippable' content from which they were able to blipp to compete, to game, to buy and to engage on a number of different features. In just the one edition, Blippar recorded 229,178 unique blipps of the issue from over 50,000 individual readers with an average time spent viewing and playing with interactive content reaching over six minutes per reader.


• Total number of blipps 229,178

• Total number of unique users 51,451 (out of an audited circulation of 513,000)

ShortList released on 7 November saw a peak in blipps from 5-10pm

• On 8 November, peak blipp times matched rush hour commuter traffic at 7-10am and 5.30-9pm

• Average number of blipps per user 4.5

• The interactive Chuckie Egg cover accounted for 78,288 blipps totalling 34% of interaction

• More than 60% users blipped more than one page

• Average time spent on the app viewing and playing with interactive content, also known as dwell time is 6.24 minutes

• Nearly 10% of the blipps were registered nearly one week after the free magazine hit streets, expanding the life of interaction with what would otherwise be a weekly magazine.