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Cardiff Uni partners with Guardian to offer degree course

Cardiff University and Guardian News & Media have announced a partnership that will see the two organisations working together to offer a new Masters degree in Journalism with Digital Media.

Over the planned year long programme, students will be taught the core fundamentals of journalism with a focus on digital, as well as reporting, writing, publishing and technical skills. The course will be run from a central London location and be taught by a mix of guest lecturers and a permanent Director of Studies appointed by the University.

Alan Rusbridger (pictured), editor-in-chief, Guardian News & Media, said: "Journalism is changing at the speed of light. Virtually every week we are learning new techniques and fresh truths about the way digital technologies are transforming the media.

"The Guardian's been at the forefront of that change – now in the top three newspaper websites in the world. By partnering with a well-established and respected university department we can offer a masters degree that will produce a generation of students who are completely up to date with the skills needed to succeed in journalism today.

"Everything about the media is there to be re-imagined and reshaped. Our new masters degree in Journalism with Digital Media will be applicable to a wide range of careers, from news to website content management and social media."

Justin Lewis, the Head of the School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, said: "Cardiff University is delighted to have this opportunity to work with the Guardian in delivering leading-edge journalism training and education. Both organisations are committed to delivering the highest standards of journalism at a time when it is much needed."

Richard Sambrook, Professor of Journalism and Director of the Centre for Journalism, said: "Cardiff has been a pioneer in journalism education since 1970 and has an impressive alumni - including John Witherow, Editor of the Sunday Times; Nick Watt, Political Correspondent, the Guardian; Kevin Maguire, Associate Editor, Daily Mirror; and Susanna Reid, presenter, BBC Breakfast - currently working in the media industry.

"Partnering with the Guardian will allow us to reach and engage with a new, potential audience that values the highest standards of journalism and is interested in technological developments."

Cardiff and GNM are currently recruiting for the Director of Studies and course Marketing Manager and the aim is to accept the first intake of students in September 2013. Further details about the masters degree, which is subject to validation, will be released in due course.