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Centaur announces 2013 interim results

Centaur Media plc has published its half year results for the six months ended 31 December 2012.

Geoff Wilmot (pictured), CEO of Centaur, said: "We have delivered an encouraging set of results in what remain challenging market conditions, with both our recent acquisitions and the underlying business contributing to earnings growth.

"The business is now repositioned and restructured. We are maintaining momentum in improving the quality of our portfolio and remain focused on increasing margins. We have an exciting pipeline of new product development initiatives across each of our three operating divisions, which positions us well for further growth in the medium term.

"The second half of our financial year continues to account for the large majority of our earnings. Although we remain dependent on underlying revenues returning to growth in the second half, we anticipate trading will be in line with our expectations for the current financial year."

To read the full text of the announcement, click here.