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City A.M. Launch App Using PageSuite Infinity

London’s business newspaper launches new iOS and Android app using the PageSuite Infinity app CMS.

The new app, available for iOS and Android devices, is now available to download. The City A.M. app is based on a pre-designed template which features a banner ad, a full edition archive and live feed content.

With real-time feeds, readers are kept up-to-date with the latest news stories in between editions. Editions can be downloaded and stored which means they can be accessed offline, making this app ideal for commuters without access to the internet, says PageSuite.

Martin Ashplant, Digital and Social Media Director at City A.M. said, “We know City A.M. readers are often travelling between cities and unable to pick up a copy of the newspaper. With this app they can be sure they will never miss an edition, while also being kept up to date with the latest news from – responsively designed so stories render perfectly on mobile and tablet devices.”

Despite this being a free app, City A.M. is still able to capture user data, thanks to the integrated data capture form which appears when the app is first opened.

City A.M. reports on financial and business news, sport and contemporary lifestyle. Download their new app here.

About PageSuite Infinity

PageSuite says: “PageSuite Infinity is a complete app CMS and was officially launched in October. It enables companies to build, manage and submit their app all within the CMS, giving them more control over their content. Companies are able to choose from a selection of pre-designed app templates or they can design their own using the Designer Tool. Find out more here.”