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Computeractive launch video series

Activ8, a new video series from Incisive Media's Computeractive, has just launched.

Described by the publishers as “a lively, off-beat video series”, Activ8 is a bite-size take on tech news that is designed to appeal to anyone who is interested in PCs, gadgets and the web.

It is hosted and presented by the Computeractive editorial staff and made entirely in-house by the Incisive Studios team.

The aim is to entertain and inform with a mix of discussion and special features, and to reach out to a wider audience and the first programme features items on Windows 8 and how we all have become increasing dependent on our mobile phones.

"The eight-minute format gives us enough time to get to the heart of the most important news in the consumer tech sector, but is short enough to make it ideal viewing on a PC, phone or tablet. The style is informal and friendly, and a complete diversion from our usual video content – product reviews and demonstrations. We hope the initial four-programme run will continue into 2013, and help us find a new audience for the brand”, said Paul Allen, editor, Computeractive.