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Cut off extension questioned by NFRN

The announcement by the NPA to extend newspaper cut off times by one hour on special occasions has been questioned by the NFRN who have data that, they say, indicates a damaging effect on sales.

According to the NFRN, the data shows that about 5,000 retailers will not have copy in their stores at opening time where an extended cut off is implemented.

The problem is compounded for HND operators who end up with disgruntled customers who reject late deliveries.

NFRN National President, Kieran McDonnell (pictured) said: “Although wholesalers, who are not to blame, say they will do everything they can to ensure a smooth turnaround, the reality is very different and frequently leads to a drop in service levels. We are further alarmed to learn of another extension this weekend for what is a relatively minor game of football and we want to know how and by what criteria these decisions are reached. We will also seek reassurance that this is not part of a hidden plan to move further sales from independents to the multiples.”