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Daily Express launches Green Britain campaign

The Daily Express today launches Daily Express Green Britain following a newly commissioned Sevanta ComRes survey revealing that more people are worried about saving the planet than local crime.

Daily Express launches Green Britain campaign
Gary Jones: “The pandemic has highlighted the need for society to change.”

Backing the campaign is green entrepreneur Dr Dale Vince. Daily Express Green Britain will run for 7 months in paper and online and encourage people to live a greener life.

As part of the Daily Express Green Britain campaign, the news title and Dr Dale Vince are launching a petition asking people to urge the government to create a Zero 4 Zero policy to boost the tax system by scrapping VAT on low or zero carbon products, to fight climate change and protect the natural environment.

The Daily Express and Dr Dale Vince believe that the current tax regime rewards polluters and holds back progress towards the nation’s national green targets. This makes green or low carbon products more expensive than they need to be, while giving an edge to conventional high carbon products.

Green entrepreneur Dr Dale Vince OBE said: “I’m really excited to be working with the Daily Express on this campaign - we’re going to show the things we all need to do, so readers can play their part. The Express has a proud history as a campaigning paper and I’m pleased to be working with them. We all have more say in the future of Green Britain than you may think.”

As part of Daily Express Green Britain, environmental journalist John Ingham will run a weekly focus on topics including British wildlife, electric cars, fast fashion, green gardening and much more. Realistic tips and tricks will be offered to make small changes and a big impact.

According to the Daily Express, some of the green survey results include:

  • Over four in five adults believe that protecting wildlife and natural habitats (83%), cutting down on pollution (82%) and increasing the use of renewable energy (81%) are important for the UK government to focus its efforts on
  • UK adults are more worried about the state of the planet that future generations will inherit, climate change, and a decline in wildlife (all 66%) than they are the spread of fake news, growing antibiotic resistance (both 57%) or crime in their local area (39%)
  • Older adults aged 55+ are significantly more worried about climate change than younger adults aged 18-34 (69% vs. 62%)

The campaign is another example of the change in editorial direction for the Express, say the publisheres. Editor-in Chief Gary Jones said: "In the past, the Express has neglected to highlight the most important issue we face, namely protecting the planet by collectively doing all we can to make the right choices. The pandemic has highlighted the need for society to change. We will be highlighting the issues affecting us all and future generations in the run up to the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow this November and beyond."

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