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ENDS Report launches new channels and website

The ENDS Report website has been relaunched, along with a new specialist channel for carbon and energy managers plus other professionals affected by the government’s CRC energy efficiency scheme.

The new ENDS Report Carbon & Energy Efficiency channel presents the ENDS Report’s in-depth coverage of energy and carbon issues, plus additional online news, analysis and blog postings. A new weekly Carbon & Energy Efficiency email bulletin takes this content out to a wide audience.

The new website offers ten specialist channels:

• Carbon & Energy Efficiency

• Waste & Recycling

• Water

• Products & Supply Chain

• Green Strategy

• Ecology & Land

• Law & Compliance

• Pollution & Health

• Transport

• Renewables

Progressively more content will be delivered through each channel. In this way the ENDS Report is committed to strengthen the benefits it offers to specialists while continuing to serve multi-disciplinary environmental managers. New email bulletins will be launched for at least two additional channels this year.

“This is an exciting new start for the ENDS Report, commented ENDS editor-in-chief, Nick Rowcliffe. “Environment, sustainability and carbon management issues now affect many different types of professional. The ENDS Report is reaching out to more of these professionals, while continuing to provide Britain’s best overview of the green agenda.”

Starting with the Carbon & Energy Efficiency channel, the ENDS Report is now posting free blog articles alongside its gated news and analysis for subscribers. The new blog platform will enable ENDS to improve its outreach to the wider web community of green professionals.

The new website offers a full range of advertising positions, providing for the first time online commercial opportunities to reach the ENDS Report’s top-tier readership of carbon, environmental and sustainability professionals.