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First ever mini wraps of The Sun and The Times

News UK Commercial rolled out a media first yesterday with the first ever ‘mini wraps’ of The Sun and The Times for Sony’s latest handset, the Xperia Z1.

The Sun and The Times’ ‘mini wraps’ appear around the outside back cover, inside back cover and a strip over the front pages and the same execution appears with a double page spread on the inside front cover of The Times.

Given the significance of covering The Sun and The Times’ most valuable editorial real estate, the deal was signed off and approved by both newspapers’ editors, David Dinsmore and John Witherow.

Brendan Judge, Sales Director for News UK Commercial, said: “We are always striving to work with advertisers to innovate and find new ways to talk to our audience - without detracting from the reading experience. This exclusive new format is evidence of our market leading position in delivering on this commitment but also demonstrates news brands’ ability to innovate.”