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FT launches BIGGER advertising initiative

The FT has unveiled a global market-leading initiative created to ensure advertisers are getting the maximum return on their marketing investments.

The initiative includes a video presentation demonstrating how advertising across FT channels generates “bigger”, “faster” and “smarter” results. An FT marketing campaign will also launch today to coincide with the release.

Of the FT’s average daily audience of 2.1 million readers, 1.47 million read the newspaper exclusively (PricewaterhouseCoopers, audited, Oct 2011). But advertisers that opt for print-only campaigns miss reaching nearly 400,000 readers who only consume FT content in digital formats, or nearly 20 per cent of the total daily audience. In addition, there are close to a quarter of a million readers who consume the FT on two or more channels every day.

With subscriptions up more than 35% year on year, and more than one million users accessing the FT mobile web app, the Financial Times’ premium, global audience continues to grow steadily.

Ben Hughes, global commercial director and deputy CEO for the Financial Times, commented: “The Financial Times’ print and online advertising are two of the most effective ways to reach the world’s business elite. Used together, these channels go further to ensure maximum return on investment by increasing brand exposure to global business decision-makers by an average of 38% (Source: Ipsos Business Elite survey) while at the same time reducing cost per head by 26% (Source: Five bespoke crossmedia studies 2008–2010) and reaching the same audience levels in a third of the time.”

The FT marketing campaign is comprised of print and online components and will run across the FT newspaper and, as well as in Campaign Asia. The video presentation can be viewed here.