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News launches Lux Avenue section has announced the official launch of a new channel, Lux Avenue, which offers readers profiles and stories about the luxury industry, highlights new trends in luxury products and provides a window into an international designer lifestyle.

“China’s rapid economic growth and rising interest in and consumption of luxury goods, particularly among the business elite and aspiring middle class, means that it’s an ideal time to launch this new section on Through Lux Avenue, we will leverage the Financial Times’ global resources and award-winning glossy ‘How To Spend It’ magazine to bring our readers and clients insightful, high quality content and access to rising trends and leading personalities in the luxury lifestyle sector,” said Angela Mackay, managing director, Asia Pacific, Financial Times.

Lux Avenue combines the best of the FT’s international luxury coverage with original content for the audience. Stories at launch include a report on the rising popularity of yachting among China’s newly rich and a slide show on the fashion of the Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine Middleton.

In addition to coverage on fashion, jewellery, watches, beauty, interior design and luxury travel, Lux Avenue will also feature reports on collecting, food and wine, hotels and celebrities. The channel will be updated every Friday.

The channel features a unique look and feel that is brand-new to, with more visual and multimedia presentations as well as photo albums and videos to better showcase products and articles. will promote the new channel across the website, in a newsletter to its 1.76 million registered users and through Sina Weibo and QQ.