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FT’s global audience rises to 2.2m

The Financial Times now reaches 2.2 million people worldwide on a daily basis.

The latest Average Daily Global Audience (ADGA) figures announced last week reveal that more people than ever are consuming FT content in print, online and through mobile devices. The number of people accessing daily has surpassed 900,000, showing a 36 per cent year on year increase in online readers. The FT has also seen a sharp rise in mobile users, with increases of 66 per cent on smart phones and 71 per cent on tablets in the last six months.

The number of people who read FT content on two or more platforms every day has risen to over 300,000, or 14 per cent of the total audience. FT research has shown that readers who consume content on more than one channel are more engaged in both the FT brand and advertisers’ messages (see

ADGA uses a combination of sources including syndicated national and regional readership surveys, unique user and browser data, FT proprietary research based on large samples of the reader base as well as ABC circulation figures. The number is divided into channels as well as regions. Duplicated consumption is removed to produce one global net audience figure, and this has been subject to independent assurance by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Anita Hague, Global Research Director at the Financial Times, said: “The latest ADGA figures show continued growth since the launch of the measurement model in 2009. Increasingly, FT readers are comfortably moving between platforms to access our content offering them flexibility in how they receive our world-class journalism. Equally, this means that advertisers who run a cross-channel campaign are maximising their reach and effectiveness amongst the FT’s premium, global audience.”

(This is the second time AGDA has included smartphone and tablet readership figures.)