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Future unveils Illuminate research panel

Future, the media group and leading digital publisher, has unveiled a major new ongoing research panel, designed to provide a continuous dialogue through which to understand its core audiences.

The Future illuminate Panel is the largest online consumer research programme Future has ever undertaken, representing a major investment for the business, which aims to enable Future to shape and refine its products and content.

The panel will focus on Future’s Technology, Games, Film, Music, Cycling and Photography groups which reach over 9 million UK adults online, across brands as diverse as TechRadar, T3, CVG, Total Film, Classic Rock and Cycling Plus.

Together with Vision Critical, the leading provider of online community panels and market research technology, Future will aim to recruit over 10,000 UK consumers to develop a highly interactive online community. Through this community, Future will establish a unique ongoing dialogue with the panel to bring consumers closer to its brands and ensure business decisions reflect consumer insight and opinions.

Insight gathered from the Future illuminate Panel will also be used as a responsive tool to meet both the larger scale company wide strategic and commercial needs, says the company.

Simon Wainwight (pictured), Market Research Director for Future, says: “The consumer is at the heart of everything we do, and the Future illuminate Panel will allow us to have a meaningful and continuous dialogue with our audiences. This panel demonstrates the passion we have for insight and the role it plays in both understanding our own brands and the needs of our consumers. We see illuminate evolving to help us get a deeper understanding of our audiences more than ever before and, as a result, we’ll be able to provide our commercial partners with best-in-class insight which they can utilise in their own communications.”