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Glamour announces digital plans

Glamour magazine will be available digitally for the iPad and Kindle Fire from the January 2013 issue, it was announced yesterday.

The digital edition apps will include all the content from the magazine, whether editorial or advertising, as well as media rich enhanced ‘specials’.

“We know our readers are adopting tablet devices seamlessly into their lives, and they’ve told us they want access to Glamour on various devices. These different routes to read will enable us to create all sorts of exciting extras to our content, and the Glamour team is thrilled to have such scope. We have ambitious plans, and are confident our digital product will further confirm our number one position,” said Jo Elvin (pictured), Editor of Glamour.

This is a another example of greater collaboration across print and digital businesses at Condé Nast, with the Glamour magazine sales team taking the next step in this evolutionary process as they are enabled to sell digital advertising, both display and custom solution activity. The structure will work in a very similar way to that previously established across the Wired brand, whereby the print team is responsible for all solus advertising activity, whilst the central digital team remain in control of all multi-site activity. 

Simon Kippin, Glamour Publishing Director, adds “This is an exciting time for the media brand industry. Our client and agency colleagues will welcome this next stage in the integration of our Glamour brand sell, and we are so proud that the title is at the vanguard of true sales integration. Our PDF replica digital editions have been well received to date, and the opportunities available to us with the iPad and Kindle Fire apps for our advertisers with augmented premium advertising is tantalising.”

“This announcement is another important landmark towards confirming our status as the UK’s leading high end multi-platform publisher. With all of our digital editorial teams now firmly embedded with their print counterparts, the merging of the commercial function is the natural next step towards full integration. Wired has been operating very effectively in this way since the start of the year and Glamour’s existing propensity to deliver hugely successful cross-platform creative solutions suggested it was the ideal brand with which to continue this process. The sharing of digital skill sets across the Condé Nast portfolio will continue in a measured and controlled way over the coming months. What is clear is that the old school distinction between print and digital is becoming increasingly irrelevant as we move towards a fully joined up publishing model,” added Jamie Jouning, Condé Nast Digital Director.

As part of this restructure Lucy Johnston, has been seconded to the Glamour print team where she will take up the newly created position of Digital Commercial Manager, reporting directly in to the Publishing Director Simon Kippin and his senior management team. Lucy will have a dotted line to the Condé Nast Digital Director Jamie Jouning, while being based in the Glamour offices on Old Bond Street on a permanent basis. Prior to this appointment Lucy held the position of Customs Solution Manager of Condé Nast Digital, a position which will soon be filled. The new sales structure will begin on 1st October.

A PDF digital replica edition of Glamour is available currently, and four Glamour iPhone and android apps have been released since April 2011: Inside Glamour; Fast Beauty; Take Me To The Hairdresser; and Celebrity News. According to Condé Nast: the site currently receives 27,468,700 page impressions and 1,062,275 unique users, and developments are currently underway for mobile optimization of the site. Leading its sector, Glamour posted a circulation of 473,302 in the ABC period covering January to June 2012. Total circulation was up 1.3% and actively purchased copies were up 1.3% period on period.