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Guardian partners with other titles on new migration series

The Guardian has partnered with Der Spiegel, El País, La Stampa, Le Monde and Politiken on a new journalism project - Migration crisis: new routes to Europe.

The week-long project, which launched yesterday, will focus on six countries affected by the migration crisis - Libya, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Gambia and Greece. The series will investigate the EU’s recent approach to the migrant crisis and the issues that have resulted from the ‘bottleneck’ of migrants in north Africa trying to get to Europe via new - and often increasingly dangerous - routes.

Each publication will focus on a different country with a new report published each day, examining the ramifications of this new approach.

The series begins with the La Stampa’s report from Libya’s detention centres. The Guardian’s report - which will appear on Wednesday - will focus on the Rif region of Morocco, looking into why this new migration route has opened up and what it means for Moroccan stability - and for Europe.

Mark Rice-Oxley, head of special projects, Guardian News & Media, said: “Through this series we’ll be investigating the ramifications of EU policy on migration and how this is directly affecting the people who are trying to make it to Europe. The Guardian has covered the migration crisis extensively and we’re pleased to partner with La Stampa, El País, Le Monde, Politiken and Der Spiegel on this important project.”

All six reports will be published in English at, as well as on the other publishers’ sites. Der Spiegel will be reporting from Samos, a Greek island camp with squalid conditions where only the sick or pregnant can leave. El País will be investigating why, although the number of women making the crossing from Morocco to Europe is low, their journeys are amongst the most dangerous. Le Monde will be focusing on Algeria where, with Libya’s civil war closing off the usual routes to Europe, many sub-Saharan migrants are turning to neighbouring Algeria, where there are no traditional support networks, and Politiken will be reporting from Gambia, where many young people see no alternative to risking their lives to get to Europe.

Links / further reading: Migration series