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Haymarket unveils new look Stuff magazine

Stuff, the gadget magazine published by Haymarket Consumer Media has been retooled, redesigned, restructured and relaunched with an increased editorial focus on apps and digital services.

The redesign aims to provide a premium monthly magazine that is more relevant in an ever changing media landscape, where free technology news and features abound.

Stuff Editor Will Findlater commented: “Technology has moved on since we redesigned the magazine four years ago, with apps and OS updates becoming pivotal in technology enthusiasts' lives. We wanted to find ways of better integrating those things into a magazine that's traditionally been hardware-oriented.”

“In the new Stuff, readers will see more apps and digital services, more opinion, more depth and more future-gazing, albeit of the sort that's based on genuine developments rather than baseless speculation. The magazine content reflects the general shift in importance from hardware to software. We also hope that by making the magazine more useful, we're giving readers new reasons to keep on buying, and appealing to people who haven't read the magazine before.”

The redesigned Stuff features a slightly smaller page size, cleaner layouts and new graphics, ensuring each page in the redesigned Stuff is bang up-to-date, say the publishers.

Rebuilding the magazine from the ground up has also allowed the team to create templates that work as well on the iPad as well as they do on paper.

Amongst the many changes incorporated in the update, one thing remains unaltered – Stuff’s distinctive character. The team behind the redesign has maintained the accessibility and wit which has played such a big part in the brand’s success to this point and Stuff is just as much fun as it's ever been, says Haymarket.