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Heroic papergirl honoured for role in emergency

A Norwich papergirl who helped a stricken elderly woman just five days into her job has been presented with a £100 cheque and could pick up a national award.

Maria Butterfant (pictured), 13, who delivers copies of Archant Norfolk’s EDP and Evening News, was going about her morning deliveries in Aylsham Road, Norwich, when she rushed to the aid of woman in her 80s who was lying prone behind her front door.

After hearing the calls for help, the Hewett School pupil alerted her parents, who called an ambulance while Maria waited with the woman until paramedics arrived to take her to hospital. The woman was later released after suffering minor injuries.

Maria was on the fifth day of her paper round for HJ News at the time.

On Wednesday (July 10) she was given the cheque by the National Federation of Retail Newsagents in recognition of her act of actions.

The teenager, who wants to be a doctor when she grows up, said: “I did not expect this. I was happy to do what I could to help. I will put it towards money to pay for clothes or put it towards my ‘Barcelona’ Fund - we are going on a school trip there.”

Her mother Rebecca Busby said: “She’s a bit overwhelmed by it all, and she cannot understands why everyone is making such a fuss about it. She said she did not really do anything, other than stay with the woman.”

Beverly Housego, a shop assistant at HJ News, where the presentation was made, said Maria richly deserved the award.

NFRN district president for the eastern counties, Owen Church said: “She’s very worthy of the award. She showed initiative, especially as she had only just started her new job.”

The NFRN’s membership services manager Ron Kendal said she had been put forward for the national ‘News Deliverer of the Year’ award, which will be held in October.

Maria’s act of bravery happened just after 7am on Friday, May 10 as she passed a home in the Edmund Bacon Court sheltered housing development.

She was later praised by ambulance bosses for her presence of mind and clear thinking under pressure.