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HSBC links up with Mail Connected

On Wednesday 19 October, HSBC and Mail Connected will launch a strategic media partnership centred around a substantial campaign to deliver HSBC’s market-leading business banking programme.

The partnership aims to publicise HSBC’s support for growing businesses, through encouraging further employment and facilitating trading overseas, areas of business for which HSBC has developed two unique lending products: The Employer Business Loan and the International Business Overdraft.

The campaign will also raise awareness of all HSBC core offerings for small businesses, such as local business specialists, online knowledge centre and additional support literature to help with business planning.

The campaign, worth over £750,000, is focussed on communicating with the Mail’s audience of business people, through a 16 page supplement in The Mail on Sunday, a take-over of the first 20-25 pages in the Daily Mail, together with complementary display and advertorial activity in both papers. In addition, HSBC will have tactical homepage and channel takeovers on This is Money, part of the MailOnline website. Both behavioural and contextual targeting will be utilised to ensure that business people managing small businesses and international trade are targeted on the site and delivered the relevant HSBC activity.

James Farrar, Head of Commercial Marketing at HSBC UK said: "Overseas trade will play an important role in helping UK business to recover from the recent economic uncertainty and our latest campaign highlights our commitment to encouraging growth through both exporting and employment.

"The Mail brand enables us to reach a highly-relevant and engaged audience and the activity planned on the Mail Online website will ensure that our commitment to support strong, viable businesses will also reach Britain’s younger business leaders."

Dave Dumville, Solutions and Strategy Manager from Mail Connected commented: “We are delighted to be working with HSBC on this market-leading campaign for the business community. The partnership between HSBC and The Mail, The Mail on Sunday and Mail Online harnesses the power and credibility of our editorial expertise, whilst delivering an unprecedented level of impact, cut-through and brand amplification for a business focused solution within the Mail brands”

Mail Connected is the advertising sales arm of The Mail, the Mail on Sunday and Mail Online, delivering bespoke marketing communications opportunities for advertisers across the entire Mail brand and the individual Mail brand properties.