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Imagine puts eBooks on Kobo

Worldwide multimedia content producer Imagine Publishing has announced a major new partnership with prominent eBook retailer, Kobo.

From June 2012, Imagine will release its entire eBook portfolio onto the platform, giving millions of new readers access to leading technology and knowledge titles.

The move is the latest in a series of innovative digital initiatives from Imagine Publishing and will see its ereader products, including How It Works: Amazing Answers To Curious Questions, iPad For Beginners, Android For Beginners and iPhone Tips, Tricks, Apps & Hacks, reach new audiences.

“Imagine has always prided itself on innovation and a thirst for moving quickly into new markets. I believe our high quality, collectable content will be a perfect fit with Kobo users. It’s never been a more exciting time for digital ereaders.” said Mark Kendrick, Group Creative Director.

The partnership signals yet more growth for Kobo, which has seen its eBook business grow as much as seven times in some sectors since it was bought for $315 million by Rakuten in 2011. The ereading service reaches a global audience through its ereading tablet, apps for iOS, Android and Blackberry devices, and online ebook retail outlets, including renowned high street bookseller WH Smiths.

“We believe in the future,” added Aaron Asadi, Head Of Publishing “and this partnership is yet more proof of that. Our products are topping eBook charts today but it’s tomorrow we’re most excited about. Through Amazon, Apple and now Kobo we are adding to foundations that will put us at the forefront of the future of publishing.”