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In Your Area launches Order Local campaign

On Friday, In Your Area, Reach’s local news, information and community platform launched the Order Local campaign.

In Your Area launches Order Local campaign
Ed Walker: “Making that decision to spend locally can be a make or break difference for local independent businesses.”

The online community platform has created a widget which allows users to search for local establishments operating a delivery or collection service during lockdown.

It’s also offering hospitality businesses free listings on the platform, enabling them to advertise their lockdown food and drink offerings to millions of readers up and down the country.

As swathes of restaurants, bars and pubs close across England, due to a second lockdown, In Your Area is urging all of its users to order local and support the food and drink businesses on their doorsteps.

Ordering takeaway or a drinks delivery from local restaurants, bars and producers will go a long way in helping to support them through another tough month in what's already been a difficult year, say the publishers.

Any restaurant, bar, pub, brewery, drinks producer, cafe, bakery, farm shop or other establishment offering delivery or collections during lockdown can get involved.

The campaign is being backed by industry organisations including the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) and the British Takeaway Campaign.

Ibrahim Dogus, chair of the British Takeaway Campaign, said: “The Order Local campaign by In Your Area is a fantastic way to find out whether your favourite local restaurant is still open for business. We encourage businesses to sign up and customers to keep supporting their local restaurants!”

CAMRA Chief executive Tom Stainer said: "We'd encourage anyone looking for a great pint to tap into their local area before turning to supermarket pints over the next four weeks of lockdown and beyond."

Editor-in-chief of, Ed Walker, said: “Making that decision to spend locally can be a make or break difference for local independent businesses. I hope through Order Local we can show, as communities, how much we value these restaurants, craft ale bars, farm shops and wherever else is helping us keep well stocked, fed and watered during the coming weeks and months ahead.I will be placing an Order Local and I hope you will too.”