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Mail Newspapers – New Insight and Competition

Mail Newspapers have announced they are offering agencies the chance to win £250,000 worth of free advertising to tie in with ground-breaking new research about consumers’ online choices.

To enter the competition agencies must partner with a client and describe in 250 words or less why their brand would benefit from using Mail Newspapers to drive traffic online.

The competition will support the findings of a key study commissioned by the Mail which demonstrates that advertising in the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday drives readers directly to advertisers’ websites.

The study which was carried out by independent marketing company River Research involved two groups of consumers - both Mail and non-Mail readers – who were in the market to buy either a financial product (such as an ISA), or travel a product (such as a holiday).

Its key findings clearly illustrate that newspapers play a vital role in directly influencing consumer choices, says Mail Newspapers.


The Mail readers were given a copy of the Mail or Mail on Sunday to browse for 15 minutes before going online. The non-Mail readers were not. Both groups were then asked to log on to the internet and search for their desired products.

Their subsequent choices revealed:

Mail readers are three times likely to visit a specific advertiser’s website (either by typing in the URL or searching for its brand name on a search engine) than non-Mail readers who tend to search for general products rather than named brands.

Half of the Mail readers visited the website of an advertiser they had just seen in their allocated paper - while just 15% of non-Mail readers visited the same advertisers.


Mail readers are far more likely to visit a broader range of brands including smaller, specialist brands they have seen in the paper rather than relying on broader search engine results which tend to favour bigger brands and those which have paid to appear in research results.

Mail readers are far more likely to go back and do further research on advertisers’ websites within the paper afterwards (48% to 25% of non-Mail readers).

Rosemary Gorman, Mail Group Advertisement Director commented: “This research backs up what we’ve always thought about advertising in the Mail titles – that as well as being an excellent brand-builder print is also a great tactical tool.

With 1 in 2 of our respondents in this survey going to the website of at least one of our advertisers from the same day’s newspaper, the link here between print exposure and on-line action is clear.

This research also shows that Mail newspapers provide a very direct route to drive readers to our advertisers’ websites – tending to bypass some of the less direct routes such as search engines which can bring the consumer into contact with a whole host of competing advertisements for products in the sectors which they are researching.”

Click here for more details on how to enter the competition.