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Mirror Media Ireland launches Belfast Live

Mirror Media Ireland has today launched Belfast Live, which it describes as a one-stop shop for all things Belfast – from live breaking news to local sport, entertainment, events, What’s On listings, local interest and traffic and travel.

The site is part of Trinity Mirror and will operate from a newly integrated newsroom at Mirror Media Ireland’s Belfast office.

Four new editorial positions have been created as a result of the launch: Digital Publishing Editor, Mobile Multimedia Editor and two live news journalists, as well as a new Digital Marketing position.

The site represents a new digital commercial opportunity for Trinity Mirror’s Ireland business, which over the past 20 years, since the launch of the Daily Mirror’s Northern Ireland print edition, has enjoyed significant commercial success in the N.I market, says the company.

The new platform will create new advertising opportunities for existing and potential Advertisers, with innovative ad formats for desktop and mobile.

Chris Sherrard, newly-appointed Digital Publishing Editor, said: “It is a very exciting time to be launching a new and unique site such as this. Our intention is that Belfast Live will be the most up to date resource for the people of the city and beyond.

“The team will focus on live breaking news, around the clock, as well as live blogging from the big events. We will have What’s On guides, reviews and features bringing absolutely everything that’s happening in the city together in one place.

“And we will be giving a voice to the people of Belfast. We want them to be a part of our site from the very start, be that engaging with us on our social media channels or sending us their photos and stories. As our strapline says: if it’s happening, it’s here!”

Joanne McGreevy, Managing Director, Mirror Media Ireland said: “We’re delighted to be in the position to extend our business in Northern Ireland and create new jobs as a result. It’s testament to Trinity Mirror’s commitment to publishing here as we continue to diversify the business in Ireland. Belfast Live is a uniquely positioned site, which we’re confident will enhance our commercial opportunities in NI and beyond, as well as providing a great online information hub for the people of Belfast.”