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More! launches its first Augmented Reality issue

Engine Creative have continued their collaboration with Bauer Media by creating more! magazine’s first Augmented Reality (AR) issue launched yesterday (27th November).

The move follows the successful launch of AR within heat magazine this summer that saw 200,000 page interactions in one week along with a click through rate peaking at an incredible 64.5%, say the publishers. 

Using the AR platform Aurasma, Engine Creative have enabled more! readers to unlock exclusive AR content within the celebrity and high street fashion weekly by designing and developing a brand new ‘Expect more!’ app available as a free download for Apple and Android devices, allowing readers to scan selected pages of the magazine and supplement to reveal engaging and exclusive video content.   

The first AR issue of more! magazine launches with their ‘More! Men and Sex Manual’ special forming a 52 page supplement crammed full with celebrities and relationship advice. Upon scanning the pages marked with the ‘Expect more!’ app logo, readers will unlock exclusive video content including celeb men’s saucy secrets and exclusive interviews with Olly Murs and Olympic gymnast Louis Smith. Further engaging AR will continue in the following issue of more! to maintain the interaction between the readers and the magazine.

Phil Christer, Creative Director of Engine Creative said of the collaboration: “We are delighted to be developing more! magazine’s first AR issue in collaboration with the editorial team at more! Having successfully implemented AR into fellow Bauer Media brand heat magazine earlier this summer we recognised that AR would work really well for the relationship, celebrity, fashion and beauty content in the magazine. 

By developing the magazine’s very own ‘Expect more!’ app we have provided more! with a brand to feature prominently on thousands of device screens, that is more than capable of increasing the brand awareness of more! within the entertainment weekly market . Having developed the app we are looking forward to providing more! readers with the opportunity to unlock more exclusive video content from their favourite magazine than ever before!”  

Lauren Holleyoake publisher of more! magazine said; “We are thrilled to be working with Engine Creative to develop this innovative way of engaging with our consumers on a different platform. Mobile is vital for this audience and we are excited to be amplifying more's unique men & sex content - which sets us apart from the weekly market - in this way. This offers our readers real added value and creates talkability around the brand.”

Matt Mills, Head of Partnerships at Aurasma said; “Bauer Media and Engine Creative are demonstrating yet again their ability to use Aurasma to enrich the reader experience and increase mobile engagement. The team at Engine are power users of our platform and never cease to amaze us with the incredible augmented content they create together with Bauer Media’s editorial team. It’s partners like these that are revolutionising the way we engage with print media and in the process, taking augmented reality into the mainstream.”

To see some of the AR features in action, say the publishers, buy the latest issue of more! magazine (Issue 775), download the ‘Expect more!’ app onto your device and scan the pages marked with the ‘Expect more!’ logo to see the exclusive content come to life on your screen.