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New editor named for Sussex Life magazine

Archant Life’s monthly glossy county magazine, Sussex Life, has a new editor – the title’s current assistant editor Jenny Mark-Bell.

Jenny Mark-Bell (pictured), who is a graduate of Leeds University, did her postgraduate training at City College, Brighton. She began working for Archant as a member of the sales support team at Worthing before becoming assistant editor of Sussex Life in October 2010.

During her career with Archant, Jenny has edited the Business, Style, Health & Beauty and Equestrian sections of the magazine.

Jenny has taken over as editor of Sussex Life from Simon Irwin, who has recently moved to the new role of Kent Publisher, responsible for Kent on Sunday and Kent Life.

From January 2013, Sussex and Surrey Life magazines will fall within the remit of new group editor, South Magazines, Deborah Collcutt. Deborah joins Archant on January 7.

Simon said: “We had a very strong field of candidates for the post of editor of Sussex Life and we were delighted to be able to appoint Jenny. She was a great assistant editor and I am sure she will be an equally successful editor.”