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New Telegraph digital ad format wins IAB award

Telegraph Media Group, (TMG), has created an innovative, multi-platform digital advertising format, in partnership with DoubleClick, which has won the IAB ‘Future Formats’ Award.

The new advertising format, ‘The Cascade’, initially created for submission to the IAB Awards which were announced this week, is a media first and the first time The Telegraph and DoubleClick have partnered to build a bespoke format.

James Brown, Digital Sales Director, TMG, said: “We are thrilled to have won the IAB ‘Future Formats’ Award. Here at The Telegraph we are passionate about digital and believe it is an excellent vehicle for brand advertisers. One of the key benefits of this format is that it can run in the standard leaderboard position not only across TMG’s digital platforms but can be adopted by other publishers in the market.

“Alongside The Telegraph’s commitment to innovation, DoubleClick’s Rich Media capabilities made them the obvious choice of collaborative partner for the IAB award entry. We were also delighted that we were able to assist and able to further the message of the Anthony Nolan charity, which TMG supports, by using its creative for the ad format.

“The cascading effect sets this ad apart from other expandable formats in the market, offering a richer experience that drives action, awareness and engagement across multiple digital platforms.”

Nina Vanneck, Account Director, DoubleClick, said, “We are delighted! We set out to create an innovative, award winning format. It's incredible to think ‘The Cascade’ started as a brainstorm and two months later we have won the Future Format Awards. It couldn't have been possible without such a close partnership between our companies.”

‘The Cascade’ gives advertisers the flexibility to choose their content, either using pre-defined panels including a video player, image gallery, social media, RSS feeds or using a panel as a blank canvas, which remain the same across all platforms. There are no set style rules that advertisers must adhere to when using the format and no limits to the number of panels that a Cascade Creative contains.

About DoubleClick

DoublClick says: “DoubleClick is a premier provider of digital marketing technology and services. The world’s top marketers, publishers and agencies utilize DoubleClick’s expertise in ad serving, rich media, video, mobile, and search marketing to help them make the most of the digital medium. DoubleClick is a division of Google Inc.”