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News Corp to close The Daily

Rupert Murdoch is to shut iPad newspaper The Daily from 15 December, admitting that it has failed to win enough subscribers to make the online subscription venture viable in its 21 months of life.

As reported by Mark Sweney on the Guardian website yesterday: News Corporation said that The Daily, which was unveiled in a high-profile launch in February 2011, will "live on in other channels" with technology and some staff being integrated into the New York Post.

The Daily was losing $30m a year and amassed about 100,000 subs, according to an open email in June from founding editor-in-chief Jesse Angelo. Angelo, a close friend of James Murdoch, will take the role of publisher at the New York Post, returning to a title where he was previously executive editor.

"From its launch, The Daily was a bold experiment in digital publishing and an amazing vehicle for innovation," said Murdoch. "Unfortunately, our experience was that we could not find a large enough audience quickly enough to convince us the business model was sustainable in the long-term".

Click here to read the full story on the Guardian website.