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Newsagents applaud Daily Telegraph for Cover Price Rise

The Daily Telegraph has been applauded by the National Federation of Retail Newsagents (NFRN) for maintaining pro rata retail terms alongside weekday and Saturday cover price increases announced yesterday.

According to the NFRN: From this weekend, the Saturday edition is rising from £1.90 to £2.00 while on Monday the weekday edition will go up 20p to £1.20.

NFRN National President Kieran McDonnell (pictured) said: “This move by the Telegraph is a fine example of the way in which newspaper publishers and retailers should be working together.

“The cover price increases on the Saturday and weekday editions are welcome in themselves, but more importantly, it is heartening to see the publisher recognise that pro rate margin increases are vital if independent newsagents are to survive.

“I would therefore like to thank and applaud the Telegraph for this action and would urge all members to give the newspaper publisher their full support.”