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Newsstand launch: Families First

Families First, a magazine for families of faith and previously only available on subscription, is to launch on the newsstand on 26 October, priced £2.50.

According to distributors COMAG Specialist: “A popular subscription title aimed at families, Families First will be available on the high street for the first time across the UK from the November/December issue.

With practical features in every issue, Families First tackles real life issues about relationships, parenting and putting faith into action, both locally and globally. Whether it is teenage dating, body image, shopping in a consumerist society, the power of prayer or volunteering, every edition has something for all Christians and their lives, written by likeminded people who have experienced these issues.

Families First is a lifestyle title for people who care about family life published by international Christian charity Mothers’ Union. It supports Mothers’ Union’s vision of “bringing about a world where God’s love is shown through loving, respectful and flourishing relationships” by showing that faith is at the heart of everything in life, family and community.”